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Food Additives
5 min read

Low Calorie Sweeteners And Weight Gain?

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May 16, 2022

A group of noted scientists recently got together to look at all of the evidence. Their goal was to answer the question – do low calorie sweeteners cause weight gain? After careful examination of many studies they concluded that using low calorie sweeteners, such as those in diet drinks and other sugar-free products, do not promote weight gain.There is one word of caution. The scientists did not find any mechanism in our bodies that would cause weight gain when we consume them. However, we may overcompensate in what we eat when we use low calorie sweeteners. You choose the diet cola, so you think it is “OK” to then choose a higher-calorie food.Bottom line – using low-calorie sweeteners does not cause weight gain. Just don’t use them as an excuse to have a candy bar with your diet cola.Further, the current scientific literature doesn’t support any ill effects of consuming low-calorie sweeteners. These common food additives have been widely used in foods, closely monitored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and studied for the past 30-40 years.

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