Food Additives

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Dispelling the Myth of Aspartame and Cancer
In recent years, concerns about the safety of artificial sweeteners, particularly aspartame, have circulated widely. One of the most...
Chewing Gum: A Flavorful Habit with Surprising Health Benefits
Chewing gum is a common habit enjoyed by people of all ages. While it’s primarily known for freshening breath and satisfying oral fixation...
Sensitive to MSG? Guess What… You’re Not!
MSG is an ancient flavor enhancer. Scientists have confirmed there’s no harm in its consumption. Find out why!
How to Choose the Best Infant Formula
Breast feeding is is great” but you won’t be depriving your child of a Nobel prize for giving your child infant formula and not exclusively...
Taste the Rainbow of Health with Colorful Fruits and Vegetables
Bioactive compounds provide fruits and veggies with their vibrant colors. They also assist in warding off many age-related diseases.
Flavanol-3s: Not for Survival but for Flourish
Flavan-3-ols are antioxidants that reduce the risk of chronic disease and lessen the effects of aging on the body.
The Effects of Phosphorus in Cardiovascular and Renal Health
The Western diet is high in dietary phosphorus, partially due to added phosphates, predominantly present in processed food.
Sugar Substitutes for Cooking
Sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners are a great way to reduce the sugar and calories in your diet. Let's learn more about these sugar substitutes!
Processed foods: why they're not bad for you
It may not always be obvious which foods are processed, however both fresh and processed foods make up vital parts of the food supply.
Low Calorie Sweeteners And Weight Gain?
Low calorie sweeteners, such as those in diet drinks and other sugar-free products, do not promote weight gain.
Sensitive to Sulfites in Wine? - Probably Not.
Does that relaxing glass of red wine sometimes come with a price – a headache? Sulfites are often blamed for causing the affliction, but...
A Message from Conventional Fruits and Veggies: BITE ME.
Fruits and vegetables from all over the world are sending one common message to both consumers and fear-mongering tactics like the annual “Dirty Dozen”