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Sweet Dreams: Nutrition Tips for Better Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. While several factors impact sleep quality, nutrition plays...
Unlocking the Potential of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting has gained significant attention in recent years as a popular eating pattern that goes beyond mere calorie restriction...
All Smiles For A Happy Gut Microbiome
The gut microbiome loves to chow down on complex carbohydrates and proteins, breaking them down into compounds that have impacts on health.
Mediterranean Diet vs. Keto: Which is Better?
The main difference involves legumes, fruits, and whole grains, which are avoided in keto diets but included in Mediterranean-style diets.
How Much Alcohol Am I Consuming?
Many drinks contain more alcohol than one might suspect, making it easy to over-consume. That's why drink equivalency matters.
Food for High Cholesterol: 5 Nutritious Options
Food for high cholesterol is hard to find and raising your cholesterol levels is pretty easy. Let's enlist 5 foods for high cholesterol!
6 Tips to Improve Nutrient Absorption from Food
Nutrient absorption an important digestive process for your body. Here are 6 easy things you can do to make the process easier.
Nutrition for the Transgender Community
Transgender patients and health professionals alike need to be educated about the nutritional challenges the trans community faces. Get that information!
Choline: what is it, and why is it important for you?
Choline helps our livers from accumulating fat, aids in neurotransmission, and is a structural component of our cell membranes.
AMA Recommends Choline for Pregnant and Lactating Women
Listen up moms-to-be… The American Medical Association (AMA) is now recommending prenatal supplementation with choline as of June 13, 2017, and most of...
Potassium May Help Prevent Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease
There is a substantial body of evidence that suggests high potassium intakes can help decrease blood pressure in adults.
MIND Diet Lowers Your Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
The MIND diet specifically includes foods and nutrients that scientific studies have shown prevent dementia and loss of brain function as you age.